BERLIN · Create. Art and Technology conference will take place on november 4-6, consisting of workshops, talks and presentations at Planet Modular.

all kinds of materials from cardboard to acrylic glass, electronic parts and digitally operated manufacturing equipment are nowadays available any time and knowledge is generated in open source networks.

but the most important thing are the people who creatively and untiringly try things out and combine them anew. Only then something new, unique and useful comes into being.
Create. Art and Technology brings together these different people: artists, hackers and designers, producers, tinkerers and engineers.

try laser cutting, milling and digital printing yourself and built an interactive machine during an Arduino workshop.

artists explain how they programmed their instruments, model makers describe how prototypes can be created inexpensively.

Chris Taylor of Sparkfun, Onyx Ashanti, Christof Struhk of Modulor, Jesse Scott of Graffiti Research Lab Germany, Olaf Val, Bart Veldhuizen of Shapeways, and many more will give answers to your questions and inspire new solutions.

insiders will present fascinating projects from the first idea till implementation, chemists will explain how certain substances impact the environment.

experts will give tips on material procurement. artists will present new electronic instruments.

Create. Art and Technology gives answers to your questions and inspires new solutions. people with different backgrounds will discover they have a great deal in common concerning their projects and will discuss various approaches.

full program

workshopslist of speakers/artists

info on tickets!