BERLIN · Exposure Berlin is a new multilingual production, combining French surrealist theater with German expressionist silent film, being developed specifically for Das ehemalige Stummfilmkino Delphi, an original silent film cinema from the 1920′s in Berlin.

Exposure Berlin will be performed in French, German and English, with the intention that anyone who speaks one of these three languages will be able to understand the piece. the fusion of language, changing within the same sentence or even the same word, is a surrealist expression of spoken language.

video animation, as well as a “live silent film” in the style of the 1920′s are integral parts of the journey into a surrealist world. the music being newly composed for Exposure Berlin is an avant-garde opera, to be performed by a live twelve-piece orchestra, and singers.

Exposure Berlin works around several themes, taken from the original Apollinaire play, as well as the social and political movements of 1920’s Germany. the first deals with gender roles and identification, questioning the meaning of gender in an absurd world. authority and control are also brought into focus- the obsession with attaining great power over others, and the madness that comes with it. finally, the notion of our understanding of reality itself is brought into question.

buy your ticket NOW.