BERLIN · Makerlab will have the great opportunity to explore design for Human Rights at the centre of DMY International design festival (6th - 10th of june) on 350 square meters.

the participants will explore the possibilities of making, designing and discuss what Human Rights means to us, and how we can spread the message of Human Rights to the world through design, action and mediation.

to kick start the process of collaboration Makerlab will have an event on friday 18th of may at 19.00 in Open Design City where participants will share past experiences and learning from the Makerlabs, as they will invite contributions from past participants - get in touch if you want to say something.

if the weather's nice the BBQ will be on - so bring something to go on it. if the weather's not so nice, bring something to share if you feel like it. then you will the chance to meet each other and imagine what you might want to do and what your motivations would be for participation - and how to maximize everybody's benefit from the action. for those of you who can't make the planning action, please feel free to fill in the form about how you would like to participate and why.