BERLIN · during the opening weekend of Tracing Mobility: Cartography and Migration in Networked Space, the Haus der Kulturen der Welt will also open its doors to the Open Platform. the primary purpose of the Open Platform events is to break down the limits and barriers caused by conventional exhibition formats, and challenge the discursive spaces used for art. we want to open up the HKW, this established international arts venue, to the fringes of production, exploring movement, communication and aesthetics in culture, becoming that space that Boris Groys claims to be the distinct space of contemporary art, “in which multitudes can view themselves” and which “assists [us] in reflecting upon [our] own condition”.

it is thus important that this shared space encapsulates producers whose work and research takes place outside of the art world, such as in the fields of science, industry or commerce.

presentations that indulge the theme of Cartography and Migration in the Networked Space will take the form of talks, walks, performances, guided tours, posters, interviews and discussions.

for one weekend the Open Platform will scatter a generous spread of ideas exploring aesthetics, cultural theory, politics, science and technology. such ideas will be served in bite-sized chunks, making them easier to swallow and digest in the time available.

the Memelab Jesse Scott #5656 and Mirae Rosner #5667 will be giving their artist talk at HKW at 16:00 so if you're interested in geography, technology, politics and power, come on down! there's a cool exhibit and a bunch of talks today. and it's free.

Haus der Kulturen der Welt
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10