BERLIN · PLATOON KUNSTHALLE Berlin proudly presents a new work by Czarnobyl for our street side showcases as a part of the Urban Art Clash exhibition, curated by Alesh One!

Czarnobyl works is a combination of meticulous and precise portraits with found stencils and detailed machine illustrations, so they're kinda reminiscent of scurrile psychology of Rorschach-tests. by layering, mirroring, overlapping and the continuous redevelopment of stencil works Czarnobyl created a language of forms, which is innovative and modern as well as relevant to society.

Berlin is his playground. influenced by classic films such as Andrei Tarkovsky's “Stalker” and sinister cyberpunks such as William Gibson, his works are like hallucinations of a dystrophic future. he reminds us of both technological progress and its unfulfilled promise of a better future. his creatures are completely torn, lonesome, oppressive, as well as nostalgic and unconventionally beautiful. Czarnobylʼs protagonists appear as mutated outsiders of an evil and unequal game, like the mutants of the Megapolis.

in the early 80ʼs the Polish born artist Czarnobyl began making stencils then he traveled to Berlin in the 90ʼs embracing the punk and squatter scene. the effect of this environment manifests in his work that is strongly influenced by graffiti scene and his use of urban space to express himself.

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