BERLIN · when you open your eyes and look around, you can see an amazing amount of people that are sharing the same entrepreneurial spirit crossed with collaboration, openness and a community orientated mindset.

people seem to have found a nice way to collaborate and support each other throughout working in the same coworking space, collectives or startup meet-ups and spaces all over the city. they are sharing experience and know-how and are building the most innovative projects with the support of each other. and this is exactly what drives even more innovation,ideas and also money to berlin.

the Beta House with the support of theawesome foundation want to cover this during a People-in-Beta Festival on 1 october. the one-day-festival will not only be about startupsbut also about coworkingand DIY-culture that thrives in berlin.

plan for the day:
- a huge community breakfast in the morning with EVERYBODY

- day of workshops, DIY and Coworking of all kinds

- non-copycat-betapitch edition in the afternoon

- a huge People in Beta Party to say goodbye to summertime

already set to attend are (and still counting): JovotoGidsyThe Third WaveCoffee CircleEzeepOrderbirdDoonitedMailmopsThis is like6WunderkinderAmenReadmilldoonitedyourpaintingunhostedvalideroanleiterwe&costartnexti am holiday,

get in touch with Beta House for more or find them on facebook!