Platoon Cultural Development

Platoon Cultural Development

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a homage to ID&A

a homage to ID&A

there was a billboard frame standing empty for a long time outside our PLATOON headquarters. so we thought to fill it with some of christian von steffelin´s recent great pictures and one of … »

and now.. it´s showtime!!! today we launched the first internet-tv broadcast focused on workers in germany. we are jubilant! i strongly advice you to check it out even if you don´t speak any … »

PLATOON´s 8th anniversary

PLATOON´s 8th anniversary

what a wicked party!!! the 8th anniversary of PLATOON was a complete success! we had a blasting party with lots of wonderful guests, incredible tasty food, hilarious perfomances and rivers of … »

etoy wins VIDA AWARD 2007

etoy wins VIDA AWARD 2007

president Francisco Serrano, announced on 29.11.07 at Barcelona Contemporary Art Museum (MACBA): etoy wins the first prize of the VIDA AWARDS created by Fundación Telefónica to foster artistic … »

enough saved!

enough saved!

the second round of the billboard campaign „Genug Gespart!“ (enough saved!) for which PLATOON did the concept and realization in behalf of the united trade union for civil services (ver.di), is … »

protect system

protect system

and everyday we keep adding some new features to our headquarters. until now it was almost too easy to access our was in fact completely open to the street. but this morning we … »

views of PLATOON

views of PLATOON

Well, we could say that our new area is slowly getting into shape...and it already feels as if we naturally belonged to this spot. the cold winter is approaching, but in our container it´s … »

NYC Mission Report

NYC Mission Report

so finally im back in the container.... it has been an incredible experience being in New York; the BLN/NYC dialogues exhibition was a great chance to meet lots of interesting people both from New … »

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At PLATOON we are always scanning the activities of our worldwide network. Additionally, as there are so many interesting projects continuously in the making, we are inviting PLATOON MEMBERS to submit their works to our editorial team for possible features in the magazine and on the website.

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