some people say engineering is boring. not creative at all and super dry stuff. and to be honest: if somebody told me at a party that s/he is an engineer... well there was not much i could add to the conversation. maybe another gin tonic? but often the retreat to the bar is not the appropriate thing to do. you could easily miss out on something inspiring without even noticing it. like for example...

... song baksa~

well, ho-jun song used to be an engineer, working on circuit design for satellites, testing them etc. "satellites", he explains, "have to resist extreme conditions so the materials used are extraordinarily durable." while working with these materials he got the idea for an installation called...

... weapons of mass happiness ("the most powerful weapon in the world is one that is indestructable and spurts out beautiful messages.")

but circuits are also used in machines that deliver most of the soundtracks to which i prefer to have my gin tonics to: synthies! being a fan of vintage synthesizers, song baksa got himself a moog prodigy and has all the parts together for building his own synth. ^^ not to speak of the wireless midi controller he put together himself (see pic above)... except from playing around with all this music gadgetry at studio hhjjj i was extremely happy to see that it is also an open meeting spot for like-minded people like the incredible dub infected tape-scratch-beat juggler magazine king or korea's most irie reggae band windy city... so who says that engineering is not creative at all and super dry stuff?