raumlabor-berlin, built in a smaller standard, the exclusive meeting place for the G8 summit - named "silver pearl". a grandious fake of the original. it was, to the wide diffenrence, opened for all people. the big room inside the historical bath-house is for theater, music, talks with artists a.s.o. in the next big hall you can watch some videos and installations.

adrienne goehler had a new idea for an art intervention to the G8-summit. in rostock she curated an art-area on the harbour and some exhibitions in public-buildings and also installations on places in the city. some international artists followed her invitation. it was a mixture of very serious and humorous works.

but thats not all. you could also sleep there in small rooms with good covers, fresh air and a fantastic view to the river mouth.

perhaps its a new and a good way to include fine arts in political protests on stage. my congratulation to adrienne goehler for her engagement and realisation.

but i was very angry and sad in rostock. I fear that we are all string puppets. the G8 states fuck us. they allow our protest with all excesses. it doesn't matter. we are alibis for the free world. so I think we must touch the sore spot of our regime: the economy and their money. i dream of a general strike first 5 minutes ... thats the only language they understand.