BERLIN · I'm back from the sun drenched south, Augsburg and the MODULAR festival. Simon, Flo, Matti, Leon und Max from der Greif, Fotomagazin have asked us to be a part of their panel discussion"Plattform kreative Stadt".


1. do creative projects need Berlin to flourish or does it need more guts to take you ideas and make it in the back-end or nowhere? (Michi Schild, Tuncay Acar)

we've learned, that if you open a creative hub in Weicht ("Kulturhof Weicht"), chances are you will culturally starve sooner rather then later. Taking the demise of your project as a learning opportunity for better, bigger and greater things however, is what has created Import Export in Munich.

2. can networks solely exist online and still come up with great collaborative projects, or does it need the meatspace aspect - the human component? (Rüdiger Wassibauer, Sophie Weiser, Gabriel Shalom)

in essence, why choose sides? networks thrive on a combination of online and offline aspects. the human component brings flesh to a skeleton of online ideas.

3. what advice can creatives give to newcomers when it comes to their field of action? (Marcel Schobel, Michi Kamm)

don't be afraid to simplify your life! you don't need much to be happy. focus on that and arrange your work accordingly. also, working for brands is acceptable as it pays the bills and grants you the space to execute other projects you're working on, simply keep in mind to stay true to your believes - to not let the maelstrom of societal pressures suck you in.

a huge thanks goes out to the crew for getting all of us together for 2 days of thought exchange, respective mind warping and idea merging on and off the sofa. thanks to everyone who came despite the alluring promises of a sun-filled afternoon outside. and of course, thanks to Michi x 2, Tuncay, Rüdiger, Marcel and Gabriel for making the discussion so thoroughly enjoyable.