in 2001, after some important programmatic changes, BACKJUMPS changed its presentation form from a magazine to an exhibition format. from 2003 to 2007, "BACKJUMPS – THE LIVE ISSUE"brought artists like swoon, banksy , wk interact, obey, akim, bbc (ash, jay1, skki), delta, brad downey, machine, the wa, o'clock, london police, pips:lab, os gemeos and many more together and developed to a full program with indoor and outdoor exhibitions, workshops, panel discussions, street walks, movies and parties. despite (or with the the help of) critical voices by conservative politicians and initiatives which tried to discredit street art as vandalism, "BACKJUMPS - THE LIVE ISSUE" managed to initiate a heated debate about the conditions of art in public space.

ADRIAN NABI and three berlin-based artists who participated in "BACKJUMPS – THE LIVE ISSUE", AKIM, BRAD DOWNEY and THE WA, came to seoul to introduce themselves, get inspiration from a new city and exchange ideas with seoul-based artists. on wednesday, they will introduce themselves and their works. they also prepared workshops to create a space to share ideas and develop new ways of interacting with the city.

if you want to participate in the workshop, please come to the introduction night, because the details will be one topic of the talks as well and the groups will be formed for the weekend.

topics of the workshops:

FRI & SAT, time to be announced

- BRAD DOWNEY: "spontaneous sculpture", re-interpreting the city

- AKIM: 3D installations, social participation in public spaces, perception of urban environments

- THE WA: city as a playground, humorous interventions