BERLIN · who in Berlin hasn’t listened to their beloved artist friend complain about the bohemian misery, about the financial doom and the corresponding inability for creative movement?

Will Kempkes, 26, born and raised in the grey capital, wants to put an end to this. 

“Will’s first official artist subscription” is a project that allows anyone to subscribe to 6 weeks of receiving art, for as little as €300.

the aim for this project is to gather enough money for him to realise his large format solo show this summer at gallery AJLART.


each week, subscribers will receive an artistic piece in the mail and a letter explaining the birth of the painting. at the end of the 6 week period, the supporters will also receive a handcrafted fanfold holder to present their collection by either hanging it on the wall or standing it on a table. 

the project kicks-off april 8th and goes on until Will’s exhibition in summer

we don’t want to see artists forgetting their dreams and wasting away as a barista since they are unable to fund their creativity. 

if you are interested in Will Kempkes' project and want to support his cause, contact him directly via email.