BERLIN · the first week at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE Berlin passed by very quickly. here and then we still hear the noise from the ongoing fine-tuning works and the offices are still a little bit rough. but all in all we feel great to have finally moved in. now is also the time to switch from strategies, planning and brainstorming to executing the program.

the kick off with the opening party was a blast. a lot of people came and it was a great celebration of our/your new home. a big "thank you" goes to John Connell #5724, Graciela Maria, Transformer di Roboter, Honza (Pfadfinderei) #109, Mandy Mozart #3333, Mother Perera #3209 with Soni Riot #248, who turned the container hall into a boiling pot.

after an opening like this, one normally needs a few days to recover, but there was no time. already on the next day we had our second Culture Talk: Sellout? the relation of culture & brands. on the discussion panel Alexandra Droener #5932 hosted Gerriet Schultz #3202 (WMF founder / Border Movement), Guillaume Trotin #6236 (Open Walls Gallery) Iepe Rubingh #17 (Artist / Chessboxing) and Lewis #5922 (Mentalgassi). check the highlights of the talk below.

on monday we had our first Movie Night with Berlinized, directed by Lucian Busse #3637. the movie shows how, amongst great political change and in the shadow of ultra-commercialized Techno culture, a parallel universe existed in the 90's: the world of basement bars and off-creatives. and on wednesday Dimitri Hegemann, the founder of Tresor, came for a talk at Berlin Legends.

as you can see, a lot of things are going on and there is even more to come. come visit us every day between 10:00 - 24:00. drop us an email to subscribe to the weekly newsletter, follow us on Facebook & Twitter to stay in touch.

welcome to the new PLATOON epoch!