REMAKE festival - for five days 80 artists, partners and orgnizations were involved in more than 50 events: inspiring lectures, hands-on workshops, exciting urban interventions and performances.

from 11th till 15th of September PLATOON KUNSTHALLE Berlin and the surrounding area was taken over by artists, designers, doers and thinkers, who explored and introduced the themes of upcycling, sustainability and alternative economies in everyday life.

REMAKE festival showcased some of the most captivating artists from Berlin and Belgrade, who managed to inspire the festival participants and involve them into various activites. for the first time participants not only learned the theory but worked hands on and practically dirtied their fingers and gave form to their immagination.

Platoon’s team of designers and volunteers created with their own hands 500 posters: spraying over old tools they left different traces making each design unique.

REMAKE Festival was featured on Sugarhigh, Art Parasites,, Il Mitte, Kaltblut, Koxtrok, Milenskaya, Perfekt, Berliner Zeitung, Zitty Berlin, Flux FM, Betahaus, Qiez, Fritzing, Trafopop and Vice Magazine. 32 articles and blog posts and interviews exposed and talked about the Festival both on and offline bringing the maker movement under an international light.

Bosso Fataka set up a huge installation out of reclaimed materials which welcomed the festival participants at the entrance. at the FabLab workshop the visitors learned how to use a 3D printer, laser cutter and how to engrave a phone. Earthship Biotecture crew built a site-specific earthship, with the help of, as they said: “just a sledgehammer, a shovel, a level, and some volunteers” while Betahaus Makerlab team gathered huge number of DIY fans.

the outcome of Uros Pajovic's workshop was a swing made of cardboard, while during TrafoPop workshops LED lamps decorated jackets attracted the crowd attention. Onyx Ashanti’s presentation and performance steared up the attendants for almost two hours due to huge interest. Fritzing workshop introduced Arduino technology, while the Vospertron performance was a spectacular combination of technology and dance.

night time was reserved for great musicians and artists such as Marco Barotti with his DIY pneumatic drum, Mother Perera with a striking DJ set and Simonne Jones with her LED paintings.

in partnership with PLATOON KUNSTHALLE Berlin, REMAKE Festival got a new form, and after two successful years in Belgrade, came to Berlin. it was not a conventional festival, but rather a space for collaborative work and exchange between different DIY makers, players and all festival participants.