on yesterdays PECHA KUCHA there were a lot of very interesting speaches.. sorry if you missed it!

one of it was a project presented by its inventor, our old friend sascha pohflepp. his diploma in visual communication at the Berlin University of the Arts (UDK) presents us a vision in how we share our photographic moments in a worldwide community.. via flickr a lot of people already share.. with his gadgets you get something else.. maybe more interesting: a camera without any lenses. you just press the button in order to decide a specific second of time you want to take a picture.. and the camera gets the pictures for you: not yours but the one someonelse has made in this exact second worldwide and has then uploaded it to the internet.. the gadget searches online the datas of all available pictures and displays them on a screen.


check it out on : www.blinksandbuttons.net

Between Blinks & Buttons are two projects about the camera as a networked object. Through making their photos public on the internet, individuals create traces of themselves. In addition to their value as a memory, each image contains a multitude of information about the context of its creation. Cameras become context-recorders which create references that go well beyond taking a photo.

Through this metainformation, every image is linked to the precise moment in time when it was taken, making it possible to see what happened simultaneously in the world at that instant. This work tries to focus the user's imagination on that other, to create narratives that run between one's own memory and a stranger's moment which happened to coincide in time.

The installation Blinks is a prism which refracts the ray of time running through a photo into all the moments that were captured simultaneously in different places. Buttons is a camera that actually shoots other's photos, taking the notion of the networked camera to the extreme.