two weeks after the closure of the Ospedale S.Giacomo we are now able to show you this report telling the struggle of the S.giacomo employees,who fought until the end to save their hospital. we coordinated the operation by deploying some of our special forces into the area. trooper Federico #3098, a warzone cameraman, and Osama #3282, also a cameraman, went on location to meet with Luca #3091, one of the members of the S.Giacomo committee that occupied the building to prevent its closure.

the story of the Ospedale S.Giacomo isn´t finished yet, the ex-employees are still determined to get back to their hospital, and they actually managed to unmask the dirty tricks of President of Lazio region, Piero Marrazzo, who is also president of a foundation for private health care....somethings smells rotten here!