Pedro is in fact co-founder of We Creative People, a platform and creative consultancy which applies collective power to the realization of projects and initiatives. WE is a group of creatives trying to bring together various people for collaborative project work... and you are welcome to get involved!

back in june Pedro collaborated with the project DMY Maker Lab, a celebration of Open Design through practice, presentations, and collaborative action, created by instigators and participants alike. Open Design is about developing, adapting, modifying and building through new tools, labor and material economies.

beside being a member and collaborator at Open Design City, Pedro also runs Enable Berlin, a place where people meet to solve challenges together. Enable Berlin engages citizens in the creative process and fosters them to take initiative and solve social oriented challenges. the idea behind Enable Berlin is that today's challenges surpass the capacity of the single mind. as for instance in the web, where crowd-sourcing and collaborative platforms are opening solutions unimaginable before. the aim of Enable Berlin is to facilitate what happens in the web in a physical space - because an interdisciplinary group meeting in a physical space with a goal in mind is faster and more focused, but also because some people like to simply see the face of their co-workers!

recently they prooved their methods to be succesful while drafting a proposal for the ÜBERLEBENSKUNST Initiative by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes. they proposed innovative ideas regarding playful approaches to energy reduction.
the results came up during one of their Enable Berlin session at Open Design City. In the end, the proposal was one of the chosen 14 among more than 850 submissions.

keep an eye on Pedro´s inspiring work!