SEOUL · our artist in residence E married his lovely fiancee E last thurstday. after the big wedding ceremony with all the things that koreans have to do when they got married, the newly weds EE celebrated with their closest friends at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE with a party that nobody will forget so soon.

even the invitation promissed a special night...

the happy couple arrived in e's golden car, dressed like they are already on their honeymoon in hawaii~

the lovely bride was heartily welcomed by the wedding party

gifts from PLATOON~

as wedding gift we presented the tactical wear to EE. though it was really hot they never took off the vests that night :)

next present: jaeger bomb parade! made by our jaeger bomb specialist charles. the bride succeeded in plunging all jaeger bombs with one hit~

there were also performances by the soul sisterz,

and ujin+nova

as performance artists EE had to try it out immediately ^^

we wish the special couple all the best and love for their very special happily ever after!!!