the berlin pecha kucha team invites you to another incredible night of presentations...featuring Rob Savelberg as guest curator.

tomorow 28.4.2009 / Start Time 20:20 / Doors Open 19:30 / @ Festsaal Kreuzberg / Skalitzer Straße 130
(close to Kotti)

speakers, so far:
* Theo Lightart (artist, about taste and intoxication / )
* Astrid Proll(photo editor, witness (drove one of the RAF's getaway cars) about London in the ealry 70ies)
* Jeroen Akkermans (Journalist (RTL4)
* Exit-Deutschland (Organization, about people who leave the Neonazi-Scene.
* Torsten Seidel (photographer, artist, about his collection of curd) soaps.
* Jeroen Kuiper (Journalist, about refugees at the Eastern border of the EU)
* Rob Savelberg ( Journalist, PK3 guest curator, about the French Fries wars)
* Heiko Thierl (Radio mit Weltmusik im Internet)

at Pecha Kucha speakers introduce their projects of various fields, like design, architecture, art or science. They have 20 pictures à 20 seconds to make a point. due the short time of presentation of only 6 minutes 40 seconds, there is never a dull moment!

watch more Pecha Kucha Nights via PLATOON