SEOUL · 30 may 2010 8pm: public viewing of warm-up match belarus vs korea

it is time to win again! PLATOON KUNSTHALLE invites you to the next warm-up match public viewing event, belarus vs. korea within the scope of pre-world cup NIKE 2010 energy space. let's chill and cheer with drinks and barbecue when our favorite national soccer team presents us their fighting spirit!

before the game we will screen CADENCIA for the first time in korea, a documentary movie by daren bartlett. the movie invites viewers to take a deeper look at the ambiguous essence of brazil's rich culture, exploring the identities of people, passions and traditions and of course, football. besides commentaries from academics, artists and footballers like legendary 80's brazilian captain socrates the movie also features excellent artwork from aspiring young korean artist jiwon park. it's all about football!

portuguese with korean subtitles

for more information, please visit:

this event is by invitation only. PLATOON KUNSTHALLE gives away 50 x 2 tickets for the public viewing on the 30 may. to get free tickets just send a mail with your name to!