the opening started a little bit late, but people had enough things to see and enjoy already. E has researched in different sources regarding the topic racism and showed the result in different styles. On the screen you could see a person from the middle east being interviewed in the news about racism and in the showcases installations are exhibited. in contrast to the serious topic the music unexpectedly was in the genre of pop.

as the opening began the music went out and we could hear two people talking. this was acutally an interview with E by the english radio station in Gwangju, which fit the exhibition perfectly to explain the universe of E's works.

while the interview was playing the performance by EE, tilman and jason began. it was a short but intense performance which was called "stereotype". through the brutal performance where people were beaten up for no reason one could associate a part of racism.

It was an evening with a lot of friends and fans of E's. this exhibition which makes the audience confused and puts them into chaos, engaging them without asking, took place until the 28th of august. if you didn't have had the chance to see it, there are still the interesting catalog to pick up!

and don’t miss our 3rd artist-in-residence solo exhibition of tilman porschuetz, beginning on the 3rd of september, also with a spectacular opening performance!!!