on jan 21, the opening of showcase vol. 8 was held at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE. this time, heidi j. boisvert, orcfinga, do young jun, and visualozik presented their bright ideas through clever execution.

honney and udo welcoming artists and audience of the night. On the left-hand, orcfinga is awaiting to give a brief intro of the work.

do young jun’s 'watermelon samurai' engaged much attention as the witty combination of cruel motion and cartoon-flavored watermelons creates a sense of apprehension. the patterns look so real!

paintings of orcfinga consist lively lines and exuberant colors. these exaggerated features have their own characteristics.

have a chance to look at very interesting projector-based projects by visualozik. the group aims to blur the separation between projected image and object/space.

there's also the computer game 'ICED! I Can End Deportation' displayed. cyber-experience of precarious immigrant living with the constant threat of detention, and deportation... such an edutainment!