SEOUL · it is always our great pleasure to hold a distinctive exhibition in PLATOON KUNSTHALLE. this time, we brought the body factory exhibition, which deals with the ideology of an ideal female body. its opening was on monday, may 23rd and it continues until friday, may 27th.

EUNJEONG SO is creative director at dusty goiyanni london and art & culture editor at the internet news portal the 'three wise monkey.' she was inspired from the epidemic plastic surgery boom in korea, especially in seoul.

the sight of gangnam streets, lined with numerous cosmetic surgery hospitals, was really eerie and terrifying for her. she felt that there is not much difference between the parasitic surgery hospitals and fully working factories which produce the first class puppets everyday.

her exquisite drawing and its combination with her formative arts are marvelous and imply some extensive meanings about our distorted desire for beauty.

the exhibition is a artistic warning toward the society and the beauty industry forcing the manufactured beauty to the people. also, it helps us to reflect on ourselves and appreciate the beauty that we were born with.

at the opening, jimi presented some acoustic folk songs and it was absolutely fabulous. his music really helped us to have relaxed atmosphere. a big shout out goes to jimi~!

the exhibition is ongoing and tomorrow, may 27th, is the last day. so, don't miss this great opportunity for looking back at your standard of beauty.