the terror of consumption, especially in the fast and always renewing and trend-hunting fashion industry, doesn't stop and respect poverty, privacy or homeless people.

the new fashion hero of the upcoming super country china is the so called brother sharp, a homeless 35 year old.

"the suggestion that homelessness can be cool chimes with a fashion trend that many have considered tasteless: in January, the designer Vivienne Westwood presented a "homeless chic" show in which models were styled to look like rough sleepers, a move prefigured by Ben Stiller's satirical film Zoolander, which featured a similar show called Derelicte. two years ago the supermodel Erin Wasson revealed the homeless were her fashion inspiration, saying: "when I... see the homeless, like, I'm like, 'Oh my God, they're pulling out, like, crazy looks and they, like, pull shit out of like garbage cans." (source: independent, UK)

one of his fans did discover brother sharp as a brand and opened up a fake profile in the social network facebook - with almost 10.000 fans and various pics. that's sick!

the only downer, after several years of disconnection from his family due to personal disorders, through the press hype his family found him and reassimilated him.