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wow !!! it's a huge crane....so long legs ~~ when l came to the site l saw this and got so exciting that we are going to stake them up .....yeay!! but it belongs to our neighbours.soon it will be … »

amnesty international- signatures
In these dark ages of human rights infringements we have the duty to rise our voices and not to look away from uncomfortable realities. Amnesty International has always been an organization ready for … »

virtual may day on union island in secondlife
On May Day I went to the opening of Union Island, the brand new secondlife island for trade unions from all over the globe. I was greeted by John Wood from TUC (picture on the right), who also is the … »

pecha kucha night seoul
last week the first pechakucha night seoul of this year took place in the house club m2. here are some of the highlights: yong kwan presented a project called syllabrick, basically modular … »

optik!!! today~ our containers wear the PLATOON uniform muhahahaha~~ now they are truly seoul korea platoonies. still have lots of work to do but every step is always giving me a »

die allianz
TONIGHT AND ONLY FOR TONIGHT!!! all of you party freaks should keep an eye on this. there is a wicked party at TAPE with Modeselektor, SickGirls, KRSNSKATE, Kode9, Housemeister, Pole and more... … »

pecha kucha night in seoul vol 5.
PLATOONIES went to check it out~~ there were more ppl than we thought...pretty cool~~ l just want to leave short report for now and what a udo will »

container site in korea #2
today we have a door !!! we can get out~~ hehehe... they are fast, day by day yeah?! which is good. we will provide aluminum, windows, A.C and painting from now one by one and time by time, but still … »

Architectures of Survival
Spring is here ! After a cup of coffee on this nice and warm Sunday afternoon philipp and me headed over to sparwasser hq who were hosting 'Architectures of Survival' until yesterday, an exhibition … »

german finance minister
peer steinbrueck was a rapper. who has known that.... but it´s certanly »

korean typical traditional opening ceremony ...
Friday! 2weeks ago ~ we met my dj friend sunny on the street in itaewon and she dragged us to her new club (very very tiny but cool^^) before open ceremony.....Tom fed some money in to a smiling … »

marc brinkmeier
our friend, marc brinkmeier called fosten, has get a price -in the rubric reportage-, of the big publisher gruner+jahr who edit the magazine stern and other known magazines . they attached importance … »