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a visit at studio hhjjj
some people say engineering is boring. not creative at all and super dry stuff. and to be honest: if somebody told me at a party that s/he is an engineer... well there was not much i could add to the … »

the DBB in berlin friedrichstrasse hung this huge billboard over the frontside of their main building. we are very pleased, that our campaign, indeed, is having such a great success and »

About two weeks ago, a video popped up throughout the world wide web, which really frightened me at first. As a kid of the late 70s and 80s, I grew up with dark visions of all kinds of machines … »

LIFE project / takahiro suzuki & hironari kubota
IKIRO is back! we had already posted a blog article about this project last year and now Takahiro, the artist, came personally to invite us to his next exhibition. Japanese artist Takahiro Suzuki … »

an art-architecture-excursion
the first I visit, was cologne/köln. the window in the cathedral by gerhard richter can´t announce me, why the cardinal have had problems with it. perhaps it was abstract. for myself it is … »

village underground
lately many people come and knock on our containers...most of them are just curious, others are planning to do some container related project and come looking for a good tip... sometimes though, we … »

this is not korean: fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The … »

Mindestlohn tour 2008
after a week of hard work the minimumwage exhibition container is finally ready for departure. the mindestlohn tour 2008 will be led by DGB this time....and is going to be much more intensive in … »

this is the first step: the foundation or footing of our new PLATOON.tower here in seoul is now ready to hold the first 3 containers. they will arrive on the end of this week from shanghai. so stay … »

Berlin/New York Dialogues - Berlin session report
the BLN/NYC dialogues session here in berlin last friday wasnt really as we had expected....the atmosphere wasnt at all as it was in New York...BUT....it probably had more to do with the content of … »

streik.tv on rbb
last wednesday a crew from RBB suddenly popped in our containers. like the other time with ZDF we were glad to observe how also television news channels are getting interested in streik.tv. … »

about 200 people all of a sudden froze and turned grand central station in new york into something like madame tussauds, no matter what they were doing. after 5 minutes they moved on as if nothing … »