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seyran ates. necla kelek.
after having read both books, the voyage to fire and the foreign bride, i first got a feeling of anger and then one of cluelessness; the perplexity of the intellectual. the allegation against … »

marcello´s leaving party
Marcello: PLATOON agent 693, is finally leaving the weinmeister headquarters after 8 months of loyal service in the cultural development squad....all you people don´t want to miss out the … »

"music is a dish best served raw" - coleridge dish play uplifting rock, they have taste, and are here to satisfy your veracious appetites. a band of … »

thetape vs rqm
an old mixtape was the initial source of inspiration for this musical project. punk, jazz, hip hop and electronica have all been dubbed on to this tape, only to be recorded over again with an … »

"street theatre and grand opera at the same time" richard fantina, east village eye, nyc. after the demise of the vanishing, jessie evans decided to team up with bettina koster … »

federal lawn exhibition or what brings the future
it was well intentioned by the monopol, many interested parties came to pay a visit to the event, which was friendly greeted by dean prof.dr.michael zürn in the audimax schlossplatz nr.1 . the … »

"Palast der Republic" Area
A temporary museum for the art of today following this theme, the artmagazine monopol, with support of the hertie-school of governance for architecture offices, has been encouraged to put some … »

"a scanner darkly"
we were waiting so long for its release and now it´s finally here: a scanner darkly, by film director richard linklater...another amazing movie using rotoshop , an innovative graphic animation … »

the quest of an artist
"kabul matters" is an art-project directed by luis berrios-negron, (#3151) a puertorican artist and conceptual architect, living in berlin. the artwork was commissioned by rahraw omarzad; director … »

a short weather-break
seeing as not many members are drawn to the water at the moment, we´ll be leaving the pool area closed for the week-end. the lawn is recovering, splendidly! and we´ll organise another concert … »

since the summer hasn't seemed to left us yet, we want to place our cooling pool at the disposal to all the members with heat stroke. POOL . HEAT . CHILL . DRINKS FRIDAY: 14:00 bis open … »

there really are many interesting things in the net about the World Cup..it goes without saying that we managed to present some of them only now just after the last rushing weeks.. here you can … »