BERLIN · SAVVY Contemporary, in collaboration and hosted by Mind Pirates and Pauline Doutreluingne, cordially invite you to the 7th edition of CO-LAB - performance art program.

CO-LAB 7, curated by Márcio Carvalho #3543, will start with a 7 day residency with ongoing production of work and knowledge related to performance art thinking, affinities and differences between western and non-western and the possible reciprocal influences. a final event, on 26th of Februray, will feature performance art works from all 4 artists featuring a lecture by Nathlie Bikoro.

through the events we will put in the foreground questions such as: how do African artists contribute to the discourse of contemporary performance art? what are the triggers that set in motion the tendencies of the performative in the Cameroonian context? how do the socio-political and historical realities of a society influence the directions and discourses of performance art? and if it is true that performance is a practice in which a culture recognizes itself or reveals about itself, to paraphrase Victor Turner, what does the performance art by African artists on the continent and in the diaspora reveal about their cultures?

take a look at some of the works.

follow also CO-LAB on Facebook or see what was the previous edition of CO-LAB about.