BERLIN · politicians, real estate investors and bankers are held responsible for the gentrification of our city. but is it really that simple? what if we are already so far, that the rebellion against it like graffiti and street art are contributing to it as well? the question is what is the role of the artists and subcultures in it?

PLATOON cultural development is starting with the new monthly series PLATOON Culture Talks, which will in the first edition capture different opinions on this controversial theme. the talk Graffiti = Gentrification !? moderated by Alexandra Droener #5932 (Sickgirls, De:Bug, Electronic Beats) will take place this tuesday at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE Berlin. this will be also the first opportunity to have an insight into Berlin's new urban playground.

power blogger Brenna Urban #6005, founder of the well respected blog Urban Art Core, an independent street art, urbanism, graffiti and urban exploring magazine, made a nice announcement and gave his opinion on the theme:

"in my eyes, Berlin with its large amount of creatives, artists, tourists and alternatives needs such events. it’s important to discuss the problems, effects and irritations which arise through gentrification, to make people think about and excogitate their own contributions to that process! Urban Art Core for example is a major player when it comes to celebrate street art, graffiti and other urban art forms. for that reason, you could argue that this blog is part of the international urban art hype machine, which causally leads to an indirect involvement in gentrification.

because of that, the difficulty of this social problem, and the fact, that gentrification affects all of us, I’m really looking forward to Platoon’s urban culture talk in the new container headquarter. see you there – admission free!

read the whole blog post on Urban Art Core and have a look at the teaser made by Danny Doom #5860.

join the event on facebook!