MILAN · MakerLab, with PLATOON members Jay Cousins #5404 and Pedro Pineda Ballester #5377, went to Milan for another action in public space. in 2011 they have already closely worked with designers and makers, but missed out on general public. that's why they returned with a special mission: “how to involve the public to multiply the effect of those actions that we want to implement?”

for two weeks they have set up a temporary office provided by Artkitchen and worked with different people, such as sociologists, photographers, architects and designers. after this they re-appropriated the empty square and opened it up for the general public in collaboration with Esterni as a part of Public Design Festival.

Makerlab reflected upon their actions by answering to following questions: why to engage the public, why to do it in the public space, why use local resources and why to do it again. you can also read more detailed dairyabout their stay in Milan.

Makerlab will also have the great opportunity to explore design for Human Rights at the centre of DMY International design festival on 350 square meters. join them on the planning party.

more pictures on flickr.